Sunday, February 24, 2013

Milk Alternative Taste Test

I don't find much of a difference baking with fake "milk," but drinking it plain is another thing altogether.  Rachel kindly agreed to help me out with this little taste test. 

Ready for our "game."
I set up six different kinds of "milk" using the lovely straws grandma gave Rachel for Valentine's Day.  I put milk in quotes because hubby argues it can't be milk if it doesn't come from a mammary gland.  So there are your quotes, Dr. Scientician. 

Rachel took her taste testing task very seriously.

As soon as she was let loose Rachel took a small sip of each.  She wanted to start with the one chocolate milk but guessing it would be her favorite I asked her to make that one last.  She didn't make any comments or even any facial expressions until she got to the chocolate milk.  "That one's not good."  I had to agree with her.  Whether it was because I bought one without a ton of added sugar or because it has a soy base I'm not certain.  Probably both given the rest of the results.

Here are our contestants and results of the second more thorough taste testing.

The contestants.

1. Almond Dream Almond Milk Original

Rachel: "Mmmm, good."  She drank the rest of this one.
Me: Decent.  Not my first choice.

2. O Organics Whole Grain Rice Milk Plain

Rachel: Neutral at first followed by a "yummy."
Me: Plain tasting, but not bad.

3. Coconut Dream Coconut Drink Unsweetened Original

Rachel: "Not good."
Me: This one was my favorite.  It is pretty high in saturated fat so I followed up with an 80% rice milk and 20% coconut milk mixture.  Better stats and still very yummy, but still not Rachel approved.

4. Pacific All Natural Hazelnut Non-Dairy Drink Original

Rachel: "That one's good."
Me: Good. A solid 2nd place for me.

5. Westsoy Organic Original Soymilk

Rachel: "Not good" followed by a squished-up "yuck" face.
Me: Agreed.  Soymilk is fine for baking but I do not enjoy drinking it.

6. Westsoy Unsweetened Chocolate Soymilk

Rachel: "That's not good."
Me: "That's not good."

7. Conglomerate: For fun I mixed whatever was left over into one drink.  Since this mostly consisted of the soymilks neither of us liked, I didn't expect it to be positive.  And I was right.

Rachel: "Peeeyou! It smells like poo.  It smells funny.  It looks like poo."
Me: Yuck, but I did not detect a poo flavoring.

So there you have it.  Straight from the mouth of an objective 2 year old.  :)


1 comment:

  1. I like the almond milk (plain or with a hint of vanilla). I would concur with Rachel's votes.


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