Saturday, September 14, 2013

Vegan Fig Bar Comparison

The Contenders


Barabara's Bakery (left) vs Newman's Own (right)

Initial reactions

Love that Barbara's is fruit juice sweetened, but wish it were organic like Newman's. 

On Amazon, Barbara's costs $13 for 12oz and Newman's Own costs $10.50 for 20oz.  We found Barbara's in the bulk section of Central Market for $4.49 for 16oz.  Quite the range in prices so make sure to shop around. 

Visually, Newman's are very smooth and dense, while Barbara's are more crumbly and homemade-looking.


Newman's was sweeter and chewier.  Barbara's was more crumbly and the crust was more difficult to chew. 

Rachel's reaction was identical for both.  "Mmm.  Tastes like a 'Pig' Newton."  She claimed to like Newman's own better though "both are good."  I agree that I prefer Newman's taste, but I will probably still buy Barbara's more often simply based on the fruit juice versus cane sugar sweeteners. 

Closing your eyes helps you taste them better.  Just ask Rachel.
I've tried making my own from scratch before and failed miserably.  But you never know when a better recipe will happen along.