Ready for our "game." |
Rachel took her taste testing task very seriously. |
As soon as she was let loose Rachel took a small sip of each. She wanted to start with the one chocolate milk but guessing it would be her favorite I asked her to make that one last. She didn't make any comments or even any facial expressions until she got to the chocolate milk. "That one's not good." I had to agree with her. Whether it was because I bought one without a ton of added sugar or because it has a soy base I'm not certain. Probably both given the rest of the results.
Here are our contestants and results of the second more thorough taste testing.
The contestants. |
1. Almond Dream Almond Milk Original
Rachel: "Mmmm, good." She drank the rest of this one.
Me: Decent. Not my first choice.
2. O Organics Whole Grain Rice Milk Plain
Rachel: Neutral at first followed by a "yummy."
Me: Plain tasting, but not bad.
3. Coconut Dream Coconut Drink Unsweetened Original
Rachel: "Not good."
Me: This one was my favorite. It is pretty high in saturated fat so I followed up with an 80% rice milk and 20% coconut milk mixture. Better stats and still very yummy, but still not Rachel approved.
4. Pacific All Natural Hazelnut Non-Dairy Drink Original
Rachel: "That one's good."
Me: Good. A solid 2nd place for me.
5. Westsoy Organic Original Soymilk
Rachel: "Not good" followed by a squished-up "yuck" face.
Me: Agreed. Soymilk is fine for baking but I do not enjoy drinking it.
6. Westsoy Unsweetened Chocolate Soymilk
Rachel: "That's not good."
Me: "That's not good."
7. Conglomerate: For fun I mixed whatever was left over into one drink. Since this mostly consisted of the soymilks neither of us liked, I didn't expect it to be positive. And I was right.
Rachel: "Peeeyou! It smells like poo. It smells funny. It looks like poo."
Me: Yuck, but I did not detect a poo flavoring.
So there you have it. Straight from the mouth of an objective 2 year old. :)
"Mmmm." |
I like the almond milk (plain or with a hint of vanilla). I would concur with Rachel's votes.